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Prolight + Sound 2023: EVVC Green Sessions set impulses for a greener event industry

24 febbraio 2023

Sustainable events need to become the standard: On this point there is a great deal of agreement among those responsible in the event industry. But how exactly is this goal to be achieved? What point is the industry at? What has already been successfully implemented, what less so? And how does the industry need to position itself in the future? These and other questions will be addressed and discussed by industry experts at the “Green Sessions” at Prolight + Sound from 25 to 28 April 2023. The programme is organised by the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC).

On all four days of the fair, the main stage in Hall 11.0 will host lectures and panels with representatives from venues, manufacturers, educational and scientific institutions as well as agencies and innovative start-ups. In addition to organisational and technological steps towards climate-neutral events, the main topics include social sustainability, environmentally friendly tour management and sustainability communication. In the context of a sustainable event industry, the speakers will also address the demand for skilled workers in the sector.

The keynote of the Green Sessions will be given by the Austrian cultural and social anthropologist Bettina Ludwig on 25 April at 12 noon. The winner of the Rupert Riedl Prize for interdisciplinary theses and dissertations has made a name for herself in particular through her research in the field of hunter-gatherer societies and is the author of the book "Unserer Zukunft auf der Spur". In her lecture, Ludwig will talk about connecting elements of all people, across all geographical and cultural borders, and derive recommendations for action for the event industry.

Prolight + Sound 2023: Keeping an eye on the industry's future

In addition to green solutions, the recruitment of young talent is a key theme at Prolight + Sound 2023. At the event, the event industry will show what it is all about: an exciting and diverse field of activity for creative minds as well as a strong and important economic sector.

Against this backdrop, the Future Hub in Hall 11.0 bundles specialised offers for the professionals of today and tomorrow. Part of the area is a Career Centre, where companies present vacancies, a Campus, where educational institutions provide information on career scenarios, and a Start-up Area, providing a showroom for new and creative companies. The entire area is built using recyclable materials and is powered by 100 percent green electricity.

In addition, the Future Talents Day will return to Prolight + Sound. It specifically invites students to the fair and offers a varied programme for the target group: from 'Behind the Scenes' tours and the Talents Rally to networking events with industry colleagues and potential employers.  

Partners in the realisation of the Future Hub and the Future Talents Day are the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and the Association for Media and Event Technology (VPLT).

Participation in the Green Sessions is free of charge for all visitors with a valid ticket.

More information about Prolight + Sound can be found at  

More information on the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) at

As an international trade fair brand, Prolight + Sound is present with events in Germany, China and Dubai. More on the global activities at

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