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Prolight + Sound 2023: “Sinus – Systems Integration Award” for the “Dark Matter” AV installation in Berlin

30 gennaio 2023

A parallel world of light, space and sound: this is how lighting artist Christopher Bauder describes the multimedia experience “Dark Matter”, created by him and the WHITEvoid design studio, which will receive the “Sinus – Systems Integration Award” in 2023. In the pitch-black rooms of a former factory, visitors embark on a journey through seven immersive worlds brought to life with elaborate light installations, kinetic elements, projection mapping and 3D sound. The award ceremony will take place on 27 April 2023 at Prolight + Sound, the leading trade fair for the event and entertainment technology industry.

The Sinus is known as one of the most prestigious industry awards in the field of audiovisual installations. Since 2004, it has been an integral part of Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt am Main. The award is granted by the Association for Media and Event Technology (VPLT), the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC) and Messe Frankfurt. An expert jury of representatives of associations and the media, industry experts and representatives of Messe Frankfurt chose “Dark Matter” as the winner.

“Dark Matter” breaks down boundaries between the physical and digital worlds

Since 2021, the exhibition in an industrial area in south-east Berlin merges light, movement and sound into emotional choreographies of luminous shapes and colours. On an area of 1000 m², “Dark Matter” presents multimedia installations from intimate, small light compositions to room-filling, audiovisual shows with a groundbreaking 3D sound system. Each room unfolds its own individual atmosphere and, at the same time, is part of a holistic experience.

Right from the start, visitors to the initial exhibit, “Liquid Sky”, are immersed in a sea of countless points of light that, through their reflection in the room, convey the feeling of a never-ending horizon. The next room, “Inverse”, features kinetic elements and makes 169 black spherical elements appear to come alive against a bright background. The journey continues to the “Circular” installation, where three light rings create an interplay of unity and individuality. A contemplative atmosphere is created by the “Bonfire” exhibit, a virtual campfire simulated using state-of-the-art technology. The fifth room, “Polygon Playground”, presents a seamless, interactive 360° projection onto a central object that reacts to the visitors’ movements via sensors. In the “Grid” room, an impressive spatial sculpture floats and symbolises the fusion of the digital and the physical with kinetics, light and music. Finally, at the “Tone Ladder”, visitors can intuitively create their own worlds of sound by means of movement and touch.

Through the outstanding interaction of artistic ambition and innovative technical implementation, “Dark Matter” fulfils the requirements for winning the Sinus in an exemplary manner. The creators are planning to continuously develop the exhibition as a “living organism” in cooperation with other technology partners and to integrate changing installations.

More information about “Dark Matter“ at . All details about Prolight + Sound at

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Prolight + Sound

The Global Entertainment Technology Show

The event Prolight + Sound will be held from 25 - 28 April 2023.

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